Founders Ch. 49

49: Monday July 20, 0830 hours CST: Show and Tell

After getting out of the shower, Zach turned on his phone. A message from X came through. "This is Colette's insemination week. I have additional instructions and rules for you. These new instructions and rules apply for the next seven days while she is off duty."

"1) You must only ejaculate into Colette's vagina at most twice in a row every other day. I understand that this is your normal insemination schedule. Correct me if I'm wrong. That's a total of four inseminations, each totaling at most two ejaculations. Otherwise, you may use Colette in any way you wish as often as you wish. You may use a condom in her vagina as often as you like."

"2) You can have anybody else use Colette in any way as well. They must be tested disease-free and use a condom in her vagina. They must pay her $20 for the first orgasm and $100 for any subsequent orgasms. Subsequent orgasms are only $50 for students, seniors, members of the armed forces, or the homeless."

"3) Colette must pay you $1,000 for each insemination. That's a total of $4,000. She must obtain this by prostituting herself to people other than you. She can owe you money. She must pay you in full by the time these rules and instructions expire at midnight on the seventh day.

"4) Please lead Colette around nude on a leash whenever possible. I understand this is against regulations. Try to get the agreement of anyone you encounter. Remember that you can offer them sexual favors from her, for a price, if this would sweeten the deal."

"5) I understand you enjoy massages. Colette must give you a one hour massage along with every insemination."

Zach had more than an hour before Colette got off shift to absorb these instructions and figure out what to do about them. His first visit today was Alexis and Charisse. They could help. When he arrived at their quarters, they were asleep cuddled up together in their double bed. The lights were low. He took off his scrubs and slid in behind Charisse. She roused and then settled back. He dozed cuddled up against the two women, against Charisse's backside.

It was not long before Zach was fully erect and wanting to wet his penis in Charisse especially. She roused, and muttered, "I'm still all hurt. Please use lots of lube. Better yet, dibber me if you need me. My flower is still feeling really mulched."

Zach assumed she meant he should use her asshole if he wanted. "I'm here for you. What do you want?" he asked.

Charisse sat up and looked down at him. Alexis roused and peered at them both sleepily. Charisse's black eyes looked horrific in the dim light, and he cringed. "Zach, you're so sweet. For the first time in a long time, I'd rather skip it. I'm beat up and healing. I know I'll be desperate tomorrow when it's supposed to be one of my official days to get inseminated. Let's do it then."

"I love you, Charisse," said Zach.

"I know, you moron," Charisse answered simply. "As I said, if you need some satisfaction from me personally, you're welcome to, you know, put a seedling in my back garden."

"Thank you for the offer," said Zach. "I don't need to."

"That brings to mind," Alexis piped up. "I'm feeling a little guilty for whipping Charisse. Not whipping-guilty, mind you. We don't want to start an infinite whipping circle or anything. But I'm thinking you should ram my tooter instead of Charisse's. You should pull my hair back nice and hard while you do. It will be somewhat exciting, but I can't cum that way, I don't think. I'll get to feel you in me, cumming in me, without cumming myself. That's how I want to be punished."

"Okay," said Zach. He lubed up Alexis's anus and stuck a lubed finger in to lube up the sphincter a bit. He lubed up his cock and rocked into her anus somewhat roughly. He grabbed a good handful of her short hair with one hand and pulled her head back sharply.

"You got it," Alexis groaned. Compared to the only other time Zach had taken her ass, it was a sleepy ass. It was tight as hell, though. Last time, when Michaela was giving her oral, it was a twitchy, jumpy ass. This ride was nice and quiet once he had her pinned down and had a good pace going. Her ass didn't stink badly. He was rising rapidly towards orgasm.

"Um," said Alexis, "Sorry, this is magical. Could you keep going?" Zach took a more manageable pace. He hoped he could last a while in her extremely tight ass. He had just done Colby a short time ago, which would help. He pulled back her hair even more smartly. She grunted, "Uh, that's it."

Alexis pushed her ass back to get more depth of penetration. "That's it. Hammer my fucking insides!" Zach pushed in hard but stayed in before stroking again. "God, yes."

To last a bit longer, Zach thought of stuff he had to do that day. It was time to check the fusion bottle and core for radiation leaks. Sometimes, when there was turbulence, some charged particles could escape. They were mostly not dangerous. Of course Berte would be all on top of any turbulence. Ah, Berte. Her tits looked so good in the lighter gravity. He must not think about Berte. "How are we doing?" he grunted.

"God, yes," moaned Alexis. Let's see. What else did he have to do today? All the Colette rules and instructions, ugh. He hoped Alexis and Charisse would help. He should ask as soon as Alexis got wherever she was hoping to get. He re-tightened his grip on her hair and pulled it back smartly. "Ah!" Alexis cried.

This was hardly being punishment for Alexis, apparently, Zach chuckled. He thought Charisse really did love him. If she didn't love him, he knew, she would just ignore him. But instead, she was really messing with him. That implied passion of some sort. Then again, she needed him or wanted him for the impregnation thing. Now she was an absolutely wild ass fuck, very responsive. Better not think about that.

"Don't stop," moaned Alexis. "Don't... oh... I'm... huh... HUUAAAUUH!" she shrieked, thrashing once in orgasm.

Zach sighed, "RAAAAH!" and gave Alexis one powerful hot squirt. It felt so good to finish. Even in the half darkness, he saw her beatific smile. Her eyes were closed. She was blissing out. She looked so innocent in moments like this. That, combined with having his cock buried in her ass, was intensely erotic. "I thought this was supposed to be punishment," he said.

"Well," Alexis croaked. "You messed it up. I don't even know how. That's the first time I've ever gotten to the big O with just an ass fucking. And it was a very big O."

"Congratulations," said Charisse softly. "Zach is magical. You know, the only time he ever dibbered me, I went crazy. It was intense. He's big, but it's the shape that gets you, I think. Um, Zach, do you mind? Now I want it. You can go straight in. You don't have to wash. Just lube me. Oh, I'm itching for it."

Zach withdrew from Alexis. Her stink became stronger. He had definitely stirred something up in there. Charisse presented her anus to him enthusiastically, and he lubed it up. He pinned her and rocked into her. Her hair was too short to pull. He spanked her ass cheek. She said, "Just, no. Just fuck me nice and slow and still like you did Alexis. It made me itch to watch it. I want to feel it. Oof! There you go!"

Zach pumped sedately in Charisse's ass while the two women kissed. He didn't think he was going to have so many problems lasting this time. Charisse sang scales. Each time she got to the top, her whole body quivered in climax. She felt a particular way under him, a feeling he adored.

"It's funny that FINALLY it's our fertile week, and we're begging to get ass fucked," snickered Alexis.

"You ladies are infinitely perverse," Zach said. Charisse was having orgasm after orgasm, each more profound than the previous. He had forgotten how responsive her back door was. There had been just that one time before in her garden. It had been such a special time; he remembered it for that. When everything seemed easy with her. "I think you really do love me," he said.

"Heeeeeuh! For the love of God! Aah... ahh..." croaked Charisse between orgasms.

"Lay off, Zach," scolded Alexis, "You're disturbing the lady's cornholing."

"RAAAAH!" cried Zach.

Charisse croaked, "You're cute. You're a moron. You're gonna get hurt. I'm not a one man woman."

There was no use asking what that had to do with anything. Zach pulled gently out of Charisse. He said, "I'll bring Colette with me when I come by later."

"Fine, great," said Alexis. They were drifting to sleep.

Zach left them and showered in Head A2. He spent half an hour planning his day. He called Colette, "Where can I meet you when you get off shift?"

"I'm in my study next to my quarters," Colette said. "I'll leave the hatch open."

On the way to Colette, Zach stopped off in Medical B to grab a box of ten condoms for himself and a tube of lube. He didn't want to torture himself. He might want her bad enough at some point to wear a condom. He didn't want to break X's rules. He wanted to have one handy. That was him, prepared. He smirked.

Colette was using the study to spinward of her quarters. "I know I'm early," Zach said.

"That's okay," Colette said.

"What's that?" Zach asked, indicating the dense text that filled the central window of her workstation.

"This is a temporal combination of the status logs from some mining drones. Alexis and I are using them for exploratory digs on Mars. Nobody got confused today. That's great. Alexis will be happy. When Alexis is happy, I'm happy." Colette's watch beeped. She stood up, reached under her skirt, pulled off her panties, and handed them to Zach.

They were crusty and fragrant. Zach took a deep huff of them and smiled at Colette. "You've been missing me."

"I enjoyed our time yesterday, getting to know you better," Colette said.

"Likewise," said Zach. "Very much. I feel like I'm allowed to know you now! It's wonderful. Well. In addition to our continued visits, X has something special planned for you this week."

"The magnificent bastard," said Colette. "I knew he would."

"I'm not sure you've done anything like it before," said Zach.

"I'm curious," said Colette. "Look, you're blushing. Spit it out."

"You're going to have to earn your four inseminations this week," Zach said. He told her X's new rules and instructions.

Colette looked calmer than he felt. "I'm good with women," she said. She undressed seductively for Zach. His pants bulged. He might need one of those condoms soon. She handed him her phone. He slipped it into his pocket. "Since the only moneymaking opportunities today are with my crewmates, who do you think would be interested? I have my own opinions, but I want to hear yours."

"Well, the Breeding Bitches Alexis, Michaela, and Charisse," said Zach. "Decidedly not Colby or Anming, I think. Although I wouldn't want to make the decision for them. I could be wrong. I'll try out my seductive powers on them, the powers you despise. I'll see if I can persuade them, if they need persuading."

"I don't despise your skill, Zach, which is obvious," said Colette. She led him into her quarters. She got a dog collar and leash out of her dresser drawer and handed them to him. "I don't enjoy it pointed in my direction. Actually, I welcome it in this situation. What an interesting conjunction of skills we have here. Pray continue with your assessment of our crewmates."

"A moment while I think," Zach said. He leaned down and sucked one of Colette's perfect teats into his mouth. Mmm. He wanted her. With an effort of will, he unlatched, straightened up, and looked at her. He fastened the dog collar around her neck as gently as if he were preparing a child for her first day of kindergarten. He was sorry about the leash. He wanted to worship Colette. She deserved to be worshiped. He knew she would probably like it, though. X knew her far better than he did. Should he say something? He didn't need to. She read him like a book. He recalled that she enjoyed watching him struggle with X's instructions. So be it. They smiled at each other.

"I'd say everybody else, with the possible exception of Khushi, is persuadable," he mused. "And maybe even Khushi, if we can get Ayana to seduce her into it. To Khushi, I represent her desire for men. I'm the wrong seducer. As you saw in Alexis's little game on the excursion vehicle, Khushi wasn't entirely unpersuadable. We're late, though."

"We are?" asked Colette.

"Time to visit Michaela," said Zach.

Zach dialed Michaela. "Hey there."

"Zachary, my little fawning kutchentse, why were you not in the control to greet me?" asked Michaela. "Are you stretching another cunt, you nasty? Or did somebody scratch toe?"

"Nonsense, my darling," said Zach. "Why would I bother to stretch another cunt, when yours is the tiniest and tightest of all? No, I was wrapping, or maybe unwrapping a surprise for you, my darling. May I bring Colette along? She needs your help. If you're not in the mood to help her, she will stand there and watch us. Or, she can stand outside, if you prefer."

"I have heard but did not believe. You, a dom, heh," said Michaela. "Be my guest. Your antics will amuse me."

Zach arrived at Michaela's with Colette drawn behind him by her leash. Michaela had stripped down out of her flight suit and was nude. He shut the hatch. He told her all about Colette's moneymaking needs and the rules and instructions pertaining to her. Michaela said, "Absolutely Breeding Bitches will help. We get down, will make four large just like that. Might as well make ten or twenty for next time, eh?"

"Four grand would be fine," said Zach.

"Oh, I see," taunted Michaela. "You want this elegant cunt all for yourself." She looked way up into Colette's face as she said it. Colette was nearly a foot taller than the diminutive woman. Michaela slid a finger into Colette's wet pussy as she said it.

"Hands off the merchandise," said Zach.

"Calm yourself. I will buy her to lick my holes to orgasm," Michaela said.

Zach got out Colette's phone, and they touched phones to transfer $20. "I was hoping to lick you myself after your long and no doubt fragrant shift," he said.

Michaela picked her discarded panties off the floor and shoved them in Zach's face. "Tough. You're not even undressed. Satisfy yourself with these and I may give you a little sniff next time. Maybe you pay me," she smiled. She lay down on her giant bed and spread her legs, displaying both holes.

Zach grabbed Colette by the front of the collar. He led her to kneel and put her face on Michaela's vulva. He let her go to do her thing. Michaela enjoyed Colette's oral from the start. "Oh, oh yes. Oh such a long tongue up my backside! Uh! Much better than you, Zach."

"I eagerly agree; A woman's touch is better," said Zach. He got no argument from either woman. Colette's mouth was occupied. Michaela was inarticulate with enjoyment. He undressed as Colette continued to work her magic on a moaning, bucking Michaela. This was a yummy scene to watch. He was straining erect. He grabbed the lube and thoroughly prepared Colette's ass. She would need it sooner or later, maybe right now.

Just as Zach was completing his preparations, Michaela climaxed with a low moan. Colette licked her lips and stood. "What next my darling?" he asked Michaela.

"If you must ask, you don't deserve," said Michaela. Zach grabbed her up and spread and speared her as Colette watched them dispassionately. "Oof!" said Michaela as Zach rocked into her well-prepared cunt. "Have her touch self while watch."

"You heard her," Zach ordered. Colette stroked her clitoris with one finger.

"But no orgasm, must wait," said Michaela.

"Make it so," said Zach as he fucked the tiny redhead's tiny cunt earnestly with long, thorough strokes. Delicious. Michaela was breathing and moaning. She appeared to be making eye contact with Colette, who was standing behind them. The cum was boiling in him. "Soon," he said.

"Wait," said Michaela. "Wait."

"Maybe I can go again?" Zach suggested. "I really need to."

"Okay big baby, shoot then."

"UUUHHAAAH!" Zach put a good strong squirt deep into Michaela.

"One pathetic little drip," said Michaela. "Will stop calling Sack." Even so, as soon as Zach pulled out, semen poured from her.

"Colette, please clean us up," ordered Zach. Colette started with the semen coming out of Michaela's vagina. "It's something you can't afford," Zach taunted. He was trying to do a good job with this whole game. "Yes," he added, "How does it feel to be ingesting your chances of having a baby because you can't afford it?" Colette was busy licking and sucking out Michaela's vagina. She followed by licking up the semen Michaela had caught in her hand. She licked and sucked his penis clean last. He was getting another erection.

"Don't steal her for blowjob, rude," complained Michaela. "Want her to finish what she start here first. Also more ass, yes." She held up her phone.

"Well, I shouldn't keep her from a money making opportunity," Zach said. Michaela touched her phone to Colette's sitting on the bedside and transferred an additional $100. "Go," he said.

Colette picked up the tiny woman's legs with her slim but wiry strong arms. She rammed her tongue into Michaela's asshole. Michaela moaned, "Uh, Christ woman know way to my heart." Michaela was lost in pleasure. Colette worked hard and expertly. Zach looked on in fascination. He had thought, especially due to his fascination with the human body, that he was pretty good at this stuff. These women were at a different level. He was relying too much on his handsome body and not-too-painfully-big penis.

Michaela was making high keening noises like Zach had heard her make that one time with Ayana. Michaela screeched and thrashed in orgasm, nearly falling off the bed. Colette stood up and resumed her impassive position. "Glorious," Michaela groaned. "Worth every fucking lev, you magnificent whore. Now Zach, I want return favor. I need return favor. She made me bitch in heat for her and must give."

"Well," said Zach. "I don't see why it can't be for both ways. An orgasm is an orgasm. Another $100 will buy you one orgasm out of her with your mouth." Michaela, swiftly picked up her phone and tapped it to Colette's. The particular tone indicated another $100 had been transferred. "Please lay down on the bed and spread your legs," he told Colette. "As usual, you tell me when you could climax, but don't do it until I give you permission. I want Michaela to get her money's worth. Be prepared to hold out."

Within a minute, Colette said calmly, "I can." Michaela redoubled her efforts while Colette squirmed and looked off into the distance. She was multiplying numbers in her head or some such. Her hips rocked uncontrollably, and raggedly, she gasped, "I can." Zach allowed the pleasurable punishment to go on and on. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and it went on. Her eyes were wild, and it went on. "I... please!"


"HWAAAAAAAAAAAHMH!" Colette howled with her entire body. Michaela had to back away, she was thrashing so much.

"Mmm. Tasty," said Michaela. "I need to pee now."

"Okay, we'll wait here. Hurry back. Mr. Happy wants another turn with you."

"I have bag here," said Michaela. She held up a medium-sized plastic bag.

"Okay," said Zach, a little confused. "Knock yourself out."

"Want to pee her mouth, then she catch in bag," said Michaela. "Unless rule."

"No, she's done stuff like that," Zach said. "I mean before..."

"Spare me vanilla boy," said Michaela.

"If you're going to be that way, let's make this interesting," said Zach.

"Hurry up say," said Michaela. "Wery full bladder."

"I'll hold the bag," said Zach, taking it from Michaela. "If she can make herself climax before you're done peeing, then you pay her another $100, fair enough?"


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